London property management agent Parks Properties, is the latest company to join the NALS nationwide letting scheme – set up to provide a much-needed scheme to enable landlords and tenants to avoid the pitfalls of dealing with ‘cowboy’ letting agents. Parks Properties with immediate effect is now fully licensed operator under the NALS scheme and will bear the NALS logo.
NALS (The National Approved Letting Scheme) ensures that agents comply with defined service standards and has in place a customer complaints procedure offering independent redress through an ombudsman scheme, Professional Indemnity Insurance, Client Money Protection cover and access to Tenancy Deposit Protection.
The scheme is supported by some of the most powerful voices in the property industry and the scheme is open to any firm operating in the lettings sector who meets NALS’ strict criteria.
NALS Chief Executive Isobel Thomson comments: “NALS service standards are the consumer’s benchmark against which to judge the performance of letting and management agents operating in the private rented sector and we are delighted to welcome (your name) into the scheme.
“Agents such as Parks Properties are in the vanguard of a drive to establish uniform service standards in the industry. Those agents who are not prepared to meet the standards required by NALS and, most importantly, the public, will not survive for long.”
Anthony Chrsitdoulou and Nick Paraskeva, Directors of Parks Properties adds: “We see being a NALS licensed firm as an excellent opportunity to increase business within our letting and management department. This visible assurance provided by the NALS logo gives prospective landlords and tenants the confidence of knowing the service they can expect from dealing with us.”
More information on The National Approved Letting Scheme and details of how to contact your local NALS agent can be obtained by calling NALS on 01242 581712, emailing [email protected] or visiting the NALS website